Emerald Green Brochis Cory - Corydoras splendens

Emerald Green Brochis Cory - Corydoras splendens

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Emerald Green Brochis Cory (Corydoras splendens)

The Emerald Green Brochis Cory, also known as the Emerald Catfish or Brochis splendens, is a robust, peaceful bottom-dwelling fish known for its stunning, iridescent green sheen. A popular choice for community aquariums, this fish belongs to the catfish family and is admired for its beauty and ability to help maintain a clean substrate.


Common Name: Emerald Green Brochis Cory, Emerald Catfish

Scientific Name: Corydoras splendens (formerly Brochis splendens)

Family: Callichthyidae

Size: 3-4 inches (7.5-10 cm)

Color: Metallic green body with hints of gold or blue under certain lighting.

Native Region:

The Emerald Green Brochis Cory is native to slow-moving rivers and streams in the Amazon Basin in South America, where it inhabits soft-bottomed areas rich in organic debris.

Aquarium Setup:

Tank Size: Minimum of 30 gallons (113 liters); they are social and prefer to be kept in groups of 5 or more.

Water Parameters:

Temperature: 72-79°F (22-26°C)

pH: 6.0-7.5

Hardness: Soft to moderately hard water (2-12 dGH)

Diet: Omnivorous; they thrive on a diet of sinking pellets, wafers, and live or frozen foods like bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia. They also scavenge for uneaten food on the substrate.

Care Level:

Difficulty: Easy

Temperament: Peaceful and social; they do well in community tanks with other non-aggressive species.

Lifespan: 5-8 years with proper care.


The Emerald Green Brochis Cory is a peaceful, shoaling species that enjoys the company of its own kind. These bottom-dwellers are active during the day, spending their time foraging along the substrate. While they are peaceful, they are slightly larger than most Corydoras species and require a bit more space.

Additional Tips:

Tank Mates: Best suited for community aquariums with other peaceful species like tetras, rasboras, or small gouramis. Avoid housing them with aggressive fish that may stress or harm them.

Substrate: A soft substrate, such as sand or smooth gravel, is recommended to prevent damage to their delicate barbels.

Breeding: Emerald Green Brochis Cory are egg layers, typically depositing their eggs on plants or aquarium glass. To trigger breeding, cooler water changes mimicking the rainy season can be effective.

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