Gold Stripe/Laser Cory CW010 Peru - Corydoras aeneus
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Gold Stripe/Laser Cory (CW010 Peru) - Corydoras aeneus
The Gold Stripe or Laser Cory (Corydoras aeneus), specifically the CW010 Peru variety, is a highly sought-after freshwater fish admired for its distinctive golden stripe running along the length of its body. Known for its hardy nature and gentle temperament, this Corydoras species is an excellent choice for both beginner and experienced aquarists, adding lively movement and a unique aesthetic to community aquariums.
• Common Name: Gold Stripe Cory, Laser Cory
• Scientific Name: Corydoras aeneus
• Family: Callichthyidae
• Size: 2-2.5 inches (5-6.5 cm)
• Color: This variety exhibits a shimmering golden stripe over a sleek silver body, creating a striking visual contrast. The color is especially prominent under proper lighting.
Native Region:
This variety originates from streams and rivers in Peru, where it inhabits calm, soft water areas with plenty of vegetation and leaf litter.
Aquarium Setup:
• Tank Size: Minimum of 20 gallons (75 liters) to accommodate small groups.
• Substrate: Fine sand or smooth gravel is ideal, as Corydoras are bottom-dwellers that frequently sift through the substrate.
• Aquascaping: Provide shaded areas with driftwood, rocks, and live plants to replicate their natural habitat and offer security.
Water Parameters:
• Temperature: 72-79°F (22-26°C)
• pH: 6.0-7.5
• Hardness: 2-12 dGH, with preference for soft to slightly hard water.
Care Level:
• Difficulty: Easy
• Diet: Omnivorous; they thrive on a varied diet of high-quality sinking pellets, algae wafers, and occasional live or frozen foods like bloodworms and brine shrimp.
• Behavior: Peaceful and social; Gold Stripe Cories are best kept in groups of at least five to encourage natural behaviors and reduce stress.
Additional Tips:
• Tank Mates: Ideal tank mates include other peaceful fish like tetras, rasboras, and other Corydoras species. Avoid aggressive or fin-nipping species.
• Oxygenation: Maintain good water flow and oxygenation, as Corydoras are sensitive to low oxygen levels.
• Behavioral Notes: Known for their active bottom-dwelling behavior, these Cories enjoy sifting through sand and gravel, which helps keep the substrate clean.