Blood Red Parrot - Amphilophus citrinellus
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Purchase size is approx. 4-6"
The Blood Red Parrot, also known simply as the Red Parrot Cichlid, is a hybrid aquarium fish that captivates with its bright red-orange color and distinctive body shape. This man-made species, typically a crossbreed between Midas Cichlid (Amphilophus citrinellus) and Redhead Cichlid (Paraneetroplus synspilus), has become a favorite among hobbyists due to its vibrant appearance and friendly demeanor.
• Common Name: Blood Red Parrot, Red Parrot Cichlid
• Scientific Name: Amphilophus citrinellus Hybrid
• Family: Cichlidae
• Size: 8-10 inches (20-25 cm)
• Color: Bright red, orange, or yellowish body with a unique round shape and a parrot-like mouth.
The Blood Red Parrot is a captive-bred hybrid and does not exist in the wild. It was first developed in Taiwan in the late 1980s. While controversial due to ethical concerns around its breeding process, this fish remains widely popular in the aquarium trade.
Aquarium Setup:
• Tank Size: Minimum of 55 gallons (210 liters) for a single fish, with larger tanks (75 gallons or more) recommended if keeping multiple specimens.
• Water Parameters:
• Temperature: 76-80°F (24-27°C)
• pH: 6.5-7.5
• Hardness: Soft to moderately hard water (4-10 dGH)
• Diet: Omnivorous; Blood Red Parrots accept a wide range of foods, including high-quality pellets, flakes, frozen foods like bloodworms and brine shrimp, and occasional vegetable matter such as spinach or peas.
Care Level:
• Difficulty: Moderate
• Temperament: Generally peaceful but can be semi-aggressive, especially during breeding. Blood Parrots are often shy at first but become more active and interactive as they adapt to their environment.
• Lifespan: 10-15 years with proper care.
Blood Red Parrots are known for their unique mouth shape, which can affect their ability to eat and defend themselves. Despite this, they are active swimmers with a curious and often playful nature. They can become quite friendly toward their keepers and may even recognize familiar faces.
Additional Tips:
• Tank Mates: Compatible with other medium to large peaceful or semi-aggressive cichlids like Severums, Firemouths, or Convict Cichlids. Avoid housing them with overly aggressive species or small fish that could be seen as food.
• Feeding: Due to their small, beak-like mouth, Blood Parrots may have difficulty feeding, so offer foods that are easy to swallow, and ensure they receive enough nutrition.
• Breeding: Although they display breeding behavior, many Blood Red Parrots are sterile due to their hybrid nature. Breeding attempts often result in unfertilized eggs.