Discus, Symphysodon aequifasciatus, are known for their vibrant colors and graceful appearance. They are often regarded as the crown jewel of freshwater aquariums due to their striking patterns and elegant swimming behavior. You will receive a selection of our choice of several assorted varieties.
• Common Name: Assorted Discus
• Scientific Name: Symphysodon aequifasciatus
• Family: Cichlidae
• Size: Typically 5-7 inches (12-18 cm)
• Lifespan: 10-15 years
• Coloration: Available in a variety of colors and patterns, including blues, reds, greens, and yellows
• Temperament: Peaceful and social; prefers to be in groups
Aquarium Setup:
• Tank Size: 50 gallons (190 liters) minimum for a small group
• Water Parameters:
• Temperature: 82-86°F (28-30°C)
• pH: 6.0-7.0
• Hardness: Soft to moderately soft water
• Substrate: Fine sand or smooth gravel
• Decor: Driftwood, live plants, and plenty of open swimming space
• Filtration: High-quality filtration system to maintain pristine water conditions
Care Level:
• Difficulty: Moderate to difficult due to specific water quality needs
• Diet: Omnivore; enjoys high-quality flakes, pellets, frozen bloodworms, and brine shrimp
• Social Behavior: Best kept in groups of 5 or more to minimize stress
• Compatibility: Compatible with peaceful, non-aggressive tankmates such as tetras, Corydoras catfish, and other small, calm species
Additional Tips:
• Discus thrive in well-maintained water with consistent parameters. Regular water changes (at least 25% weekly) are crucial to their health.
• They can be sensitive to changes in water quality, so it’s important to maintain stable conditions.
• Ensure they have plenty of hiding spots to reduce stress but maintain enough open areas for them to swim freely.